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Opening Hours
  • Monday - Friday
    9.00 - 20.00
  • Saturday
    10.00 - 16.00
  • Sunday
    9.30 - 18.00

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Our Mission & Values makes us best

Plutus has been born out of the necessity to serve those who need help in a complex subject called personal finance, which is constantly evolving, either on the product side or the regulatory side. The same people also suffer on account of incorrect, illogical and biased advice. Plutus certainly will; for these simple reasons, pledge to help the countless such individuals and families realize their dreams and financial aspirations.


We want to be recognized as India's premium online financial planning and advisory company.

The company plans to achieve this by pursuing prudent principles to structuring portfolios, innovating financial plans, developing new thinking in financial investments, minimizing risk and ensuring a secure economic future for every one of our valued clients.

Our Values

It pledges to work closely with its clients to understand their objectives and develop platforms unique to their specific requirements. It plans to recruit the most ethical professional talent available in the country.

It promises to be completely transparent in dealing with its clients. It pledges to offer advice that is both prudent and timely. And it guarantees a resolve to recommend well-thought out opportunities.